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Personal growth and development, BLOG
Financial Literacy and Independence: Secure Your Future
Explore the essentials of Financial Literacy and Independence to manage your finances effectively and secure a prosperous future.
Personal growth and development, BLOG
Digital Detoxing: Recharge and Reclaim Your Life
Embrace digital detoxing to revitalise your well-being. Discover strategies for mindful screen time reduction and lead a balanced life.
Personal growth and development, BLOG
Staying True: Mindset to Maintain 2024 New Years Resolutions
As I etch my 2024 goals into my fresh planner, the whispers of past New Year’s resolutions seem to echo with a mixture of hope and caution. I’m aware that maintaining my stride in self-improvement...
Personal growth and development, BLOG
Loss Aversion Theory's Impact on Development
From the groundbreaking 1979 paper by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, the concept of loss aversion theory has continued to fascinate me as an influential force in the realm of behavioral economics. This...
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